Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December and Sugar Plum Dancers

Here I am at the end of this day. What a grand day it has been. I managed to complete some projects I have been working on and mended a couple of tops that my granddog had tried to eat right off the bodies of my grandgirls. What a wonderful dog is the Cooper. He is just one little puppy that is the size of a small horse. I did get in a short rest this afternoon with both PaBu and Poquito tucked in next to and on top of me. Spoiled puppy-dogs.

The best news of the day was a program presented by the dance studio that my grandgirls attend. It was Madison dance class that presented the dance and it was just a beautiful demonstration of all they have been studying . Of course they all did great and I think our Madi was exceptionally beautiful. I will try to post a picture. I think I only managed to get a couple as my battery in my camera decided to go dead and I did not take my replacement one with me. I know I should have double checked and charged the battery before it was time to leave for the recital. I am sure Heidi will post pictures . I will have to check out her blog to see what she has. I think that about winds up my today.

I did also receive some very sad and heartbreaking news about my cousin. One of my cousins is very sick with a terrible form of lung cancer.
It is sad as he is younger than me. I will keep him in my prayer and thoughts and those who care for him.
I am going to go work on my camera and see if I can post some pictures,

1 comment:

SweetmamaK said...

So sorry to hear bout your cousin, that's so sad. I think it's always worse to hear about or experience tragedy during the holiday season. I am sorry that I didn't get out to Tomball to see you. I was hoping to call your daughter in law and see if I could come out for a visit after church on your last day there, but the forces of evil conspired against me!!!! Maybe next time for now I love reading your blog and love reading how happy your return has made Heidi and her girls