Saturday, June 7, 2008

Back from China June 2008

We had a grand adventure in China. We did enjoy the experience and would be willing to do it all again (If we were 20 years younger). Someone asked me to describe my impression of China and the first thing I thought about was the first thing I thought as I stepped off the plane in Hong Kong. "Feels like someone dropped a hot steamy blanket over me"
The heat and high humidity was very intense. Many of the pictures look like fog, but I think it was really steam. It was like being in a sauna that was never ending. It did not take more than a few minutes until we were all dripping with "sweat" (well past perspiration).

1 comment:

4Girls4Me said...

Yaay! I'nm so glad you're posting some stuff from China! Welcome Home! I really missed you! :)