Sunday, August 16, 2009

Another Fun,Fun week with Family

We just had a fab week with family from Utah. Marilyn,Walt, Carolyn,Christine with children Alex, Emmalee (sp??) Andrew and Austen. We walked a new (to us) area of Garden of the Gods, right under the Kissing Camel rock formation. It was a beautiful but a very hotwalk.
Then we all went to Heidi and Mikes and had BBQ and family fun. We also made a day trip to Royal Gorge and that was a fun adventure and a full of surprise day. Walt shared with us pictures of their trip to Israel and Egypt. We also enjoyed an outing to America the Beautiful Park and the children enjoyed the playground. A pizza party at Heidi and Mike's and all the kids enjoyed the little electric car and then a special outing to set off rockets in the park. Just a fun time .

1 comment:

4Girls4Me said...

That was so much fun! I just feel bad that we had to take off in the middle of their visit! We missed out on half the fun! It was great to see everyone too. I'll put some pics on my blog soon. Love you bunches!!